Logo for: Rotary Old Saybrook

OS Rotary Meeting of 1/2/13

Pledge:    President Keith

Prayer;    Gerri Lewis

Song:    Bill McL

Flim/Flam:    President Keith

Raffle:    Andy, Glen Anderson, Bob Antoniac

Happy Bucks:    Many and varied, President Keith wife home and not leaving???   no cliff,  Bob a heading to FL Sat,
Happy New Year  Paul Moore presented a flag from The Rotary Club of Albany, GA.  good makeup

Wine Tasting Event Friday evening February 8, 2013 Saybrook Point Inn  Need auction items and ticket sales.

Revised budget will be voted upon next meeting Wednesday January 9.

Bringing services to primary school children.  Providing medical and dental care., literacy initiatives. they distribute donaterd items, such as school supplies and clothing. Project Amigo provides scholarships to junior high, $450.00, and senior high school students, $650.00 as well as college scholarchips $4,000.00. Volunteer opportunities include winter work weeks, volunteering professional services, dentist md's, etc, along with inkind donations. www.projectamigio.org


January 3        Bill McL
January 10      Walter Osborne
January 17      Al Lindqiust
Janyary 24      Angus McDonald
January 31      Stan Niemerski

THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say, or do

1.)    Is it the TRUTH
2.)    Is ist FAIR to all concerned
3.)    Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS
4.)    Will it be BENIFICIAL to all concerned