Avenues of Service
- Club Service
- Promote Fellowship, help plan meetings, scheduling programs, website maintenance
- Community Service
- Promote Rotary in the Community, identify potential projects
- lnternational Service
- Promote understanding, international service projects
- New Generations Service
- Coordinating youth programs (i.e. D.A.R.E., RYLA, World Affairs Seminar)
- Vocational Service
- Lead young people, 4-way test project, mentoring
Club Service
The Rotary Club of Old Saybrook is a volunteer organization requiring each member to contribute to make the Club operate. Every member has to pitch in at various times throughout the Rotary year. Club Service includes tasks, as maintaining our website, taking and posting minutes of the meetings,“Sargent At Arms” tasks such as collecting money for the meetings at the door, giving the invocation, leading the Pledge, leading the Club in song, greeting arriving members, greeting visiting Rotarians, maintaining a program schedule, and arranging for speakers.
Community Service
This “Avenue” relates to the activities the members of The Rotary Club of Old Saybrook undertake to improve the quality of life in our communities, Westbrook, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme. The Club works in helping children, needy families, the aged, the handicapped, and those most in need. Club members strive to promote the ideal of “Service Above Self” in our personal and business lives and to project these values to our communities.
International Service
In this “Avenue”, Rotarians strive for the advancement of International understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business, and professionals united in the ideal of “Service Above Self”. International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on, the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.
New Generations Service
New Generations, the newest, “Avenue of Service”, was created by the 2010 Council on Legislation of Rotary International on April 29, 2010. This “Avenue” recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults. Our youth are involved in leadership development activities, community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.
Youth Service concentrates on empowering Youth and young professionals through Leadership Development programs such as Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), World Affairs Seminar, Student of the Month, Rotary Youth Exchange, and the D.A.R.E. program. This Avenue of Service also includes The Rotary Club of Old Saybrook Scholarship program.
Vocational Service
This Avenue of Service calls upon every member of The Rotary Club of Old Saybrook to work with integrity in their chosen professions. Rotarians promote and foster high standards in business, professions, and the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations. The guide for action is, “The Four Way Test, of the things we think, say, or do.”