Logo for: Rotary Old Saybrook

Meals on Wheels, Old Saybrook Estuary

Driver Handbook Volunteer Guidelines

The following Rotarians have signed on to help with Meals on Wheels

Please contact Charlie Renshaw for dates you are available

Charlie Renshaw, 860-395-0482
Pete Zucco, 860-391-2438
John & Shireen Aforismo, 860-794-5009
Susan Beaudoin, 203-232-0726
Joy Fogarty, 803-220-6726

Meals on Wheels

Be at the Estuary by 10:00 for pickups
Call Laura Robbins at 860-388-1611 x217
if you cannot make it
or email nutrition@yourestuary.org

Website: https://www.ecsenior.org/services/nutrition