Rotarians worldwide are deeply troubled by the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. The senseless devastation and suffering have led to a significant humanitarian crisis, especially for the 1,000,000+ Ukrainian civilians who have been forced to flee their homes to escape the violence.
Rotary strongly supports all efforts to bring peace to Ukraine as swiftly as possible. The Rotarians of District 7980 want to help the Ukrainian people affected by the lawless invasion of their country and the tens of thousands of our Ukrainian-American neighbors right here in the State of Connecticut.
How can we help:
The Rotary Foundation has made the Disaster Response Fund available as the primary avenue for contributions.
Now through April 30, 2022, contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund will be in support of Ukraine relief efforts.
Donations can be made online at
Districts that border Ukraine and the Rotary district in Ukraine will be able to apply for grants from this fund for up to $50,000 now through June 30, 2022. Disaster Response Grant applications will be expedited for use to provide relief to refugees and other victims of the crisis through water, food, shelter, medicine, and clothing.
While this fund will be the primary avenue for The Rotary Foundation support, Rotary and Rotaract clubs are also encouraged to create their own responses to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
The Rotary Foundation is also coordinating with partners and regional leaders, such as the United Nations High Commission on Refugees-USA, ShelterBox, and Rotary Action Group for Refugees, Forced Displacement, and Migration, exploring effective solutions to the increased humanitarian needs.
Thank You,
Rick Bassett
Rotary District 7980 - Vice Governor (Acting District Governor)