Letter from Rotary District Governor, Hawaii
Our goal is to contribute a substantial amount to the Rotary District 5000 Foundation in Maui that is set up to distribute money among the 9 Rotary Clubs that have been impacted on the island of Maui in assisting those that have been affected by the fires. Last week I had a conversation with Mike Luque, the President of Rotary Upper Country Maui, and was updated on the efforts to help Maui residents. Today I received an email from District Governor Mark Merriam which I wanted to share with you. He is very appreciative of all that we are doing. Please see attached email. We shared our fundraiser with our community at our last two concerts. Everyone was so willing to give. The concerts brought in $1050, with the Rotary match that made it $2100. Judy Sullivan, director of the Chamber of Commerce, just recently informed us that the Chamber of Commerce will be donating $1000, and will be sending out information to other Chamber members about our fundraising efforts. If anyone would like to send the “Create Hope for Maui” committee comments or ideas please reach out to us.
Letter received by VP Nancy Morin, 9/1/23: