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OS Rotary (Installation) Meeting of 6/30/10

Pledge:  President Keith
Prayer:  Gerrie Lewis
Song;  Bill McLaughlin
Bret's Flim/Flam:  High hand winner with 3 aces, Carroll Bowser.  Low hand winner also
    but your editor didn't see who won that.   
Raffle Winners:  Jamie Vogt, Bill O'Shaughnessy, and Bill McLaughlin.
Happy $s:  Many for our guests and attending spuses and friends.  Many happy for 
    Keith and a good Rotary year, many happy for Joan and her coming year and incoming
    slate of officers and directors.  Many happy for Bill Suits and his speedy recovery.
President's Message:  President Keith introduced our special guests from India whom
    Keith met on a trip to see our water purification project.  They were Mr. Ramachandra
    and his wife Gaya
    President Keith was happy there were no disasters during his regime and thanked all
    the members for their cooperation and support.  He also had a special thanks to Mike
    Velgouse for his diligent secretarial duties.

Program:  President Keith reintroduced our visiting guest from India, Mr. Ramachandra.
    He thanked President Keith and Rotary for our aid in the water project in his district.
    He indicated how much it was appreciated by his people.  He then prsented a thank
    you wreath (lei) to President Keith and Jess  Wenzel for Rotary's support.

Installation:  Gerri Lewis Hosted the ceremony.  She again thanked President Keith
    and his slate of officers for a good year and wished incoming President Joan the best 
    as well as the incoming of R.I. and our new District governor.  She then introduced 
    the incoming slate of officers and administered the oath of office,  Our new slate is:
        President    -            Joan Camire
        President Elect    -    Paul Moore
        Vice President    -     Samuel Fulginiti
        Secretary    -            Matthew Vogt
        Treasurer    -            Paul Moore        
        Sergeant-at-Arms -   Bob Antoniac
        Five Directors    -       Gerri Lewis    
                                        Michael Velgouse
                                        Joan Michaud
                                        Jason Smith
                                        Richard Beck
    With the passing of the gavel, President Joan thanked the club and especially Keith
    for a wonderful year and she hopes to continue the pattern.  Other new business was
    to authorize Treasurer Paul to issue checks for outstanding club functions.  Bill
    O'Shaughnessy also indicated that scholarship funds and outreach funds needed
    club approval, the club voted in the affirmative.
    Mr. Ramachandra also presented President Joan with a lei.
    President Joan then presented Keith with a plaque and a past president's pin.
    She then adjourned the meeting.

of the things we think, say or do

    Is it the TRUTH ?
    Is it FAIR to all concerned?
    Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 
