OS Rotary Meeting of 12/17/12
Holiday meeting held at the Fish House
Holiday meeting held at the Fish House
December Student of the Month Discipline Social Studies
High school students from Old Saybrook who recently attended the RYLA program, told us about their experience.
Guest Speaker Mr. Du, an exchange teacher at Daisy Ingraham School from Jibo, China. ***SEE PICTURE***
Business Meeting Finances, Matching Grant&Community Service, RYLA&New Generations Bio Angus McDonald
High School Students of the Month in Mathematics. 3 outstanding students were presented. Following that, Rick Beck talked about his experience in the Army.
Following a short business meeting our First Selectman, Carl Fortuna addressed us on many town issues. ***SEE PICTURE***
James Mattison "For One World" talked about his school in Ghana
No formal program, Treasurer's report, getting the dictionaries ready
Student of the Month Program English Dept