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OS Rotary Meeting 05/17`/23

Pledge: President Alan Schwarz
Prayer: President Charlie Renshaw
THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say, or do.
1)   Is it the TRUTH?
2)   Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4)   Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Flim/Flam: Dr. Ed O’Neil Guest speaker
Raffle: Alan Schwarz, Kathy Ledwith, Michaela O’Neil

Alan S for the day, Carrie G for the day, Charlie R sad dollar, Bill McL happy to have Dr. Ed O’Neil and his daughter Michaela with us, Jan P for the day and our speaker, Donna L a sad dollar for Bob A, John D for the day and our guest speaker, Dr. Ed, and Michaela happy to be at our meeting 

PROGRAM: Dr. Ed O’Neil, Omni Med


  Dr. O’Neil saw that people from around the world and particularly in Uganda were dying of disease’s that were very easily treated. Why do people lack access to clean water and basic health services, etc.? Omni Med was formed in 1998 to address these issues in Uganda.
  Omni Med has a program in Uganda that brings together health professionals, students, medical, public health nursing, and others, to experience short term teaching trips. These programs work closely with The Ministry of Health in Uganda.
Omni Med work includes clean water projects, and funding the construction of locally designed cook stoves, constructed of termite mound material, very ingenious.
All the projects are subject to a rigorous tracking process to measure results. For example, the clean water project has been shown to drastically reduce the cases of diarrhea and pneumonia and more.
For more information check the Omni Med website: www.omnimed.org

1.)    Rotary Day of Service all set at 3 beaches Old Saybook, Old Lyme and Westbrook for Saturday May 20, 2023, see Joan Winters
2.)    Memorial Day Parade a go meet at Stop & Shop parking lot at 9:30 to march
3.)    Social gathering at Myrcene’s brewery all set for Wednesday May 31, 2023
4.)   Wednesday Evening Concerts of the Green Old Saybrook all set.

1.)   Foundation   Jan Perruccio - No report
2.)   Outreach       Joan Michaud - No report
3.)   Membership   Pete Zucco - No report

1.)  Wednesday May 24, 2023, 7:00 AM Estuary Bill Tait of Essex Financial
2.)  Wednesday May 31, 2023, Evening Meeting Myrcene Brewery Social Gathering invite spouses, and guests.
3.)  Wednesday June 7, 2023, Student of The Month Health/P.E.  Saybrook Point Resort & Marina, 7:00 AM
4.)  Wednesday June 14, 2023, Mark Perlman “The Reluctant Soldier”. Nancy Morin
5.)  Wednesday June 21, 2023, OPEN
6.)   Wednesday June 28, 2023, “The Changing of the Guard”. Indian Town Beach Club   6:00 PM. More to follow 

1.)  Club Service
2.)  Community Service
3.)  Vocational Service
4.)  New Generations
5.)  International Service
A breakdown of all the sub committees is on our web site. Look it over.


”Even with its high cost, living has remained very popular.”