Logo for: Rotary Old Saybrook

OS Rotary Meeting 11/29/23

Pledge, Prayer, 4-Way Test: President Alan Schwarz

Raffle Winners: Ralph, Ed Morin, Liz

Happy Bucks: PZ for everyone here tonight; KC retiring!; RS: great Thanksgiving; SB: spending time with grandchildren; CR: happy for KC and wife here; LM: happy to be here; MO: daughter married last weekend; EM, AS: grandkids; NM; DL: KC retiring; MD: ditto

Nancy introduced our guest Skye and Ryan Belote. Skye operates a Concierge Service and is offering introductory discounts. 

Many pleasantries were exchanged tonight as everyone was in the holiday spirit! The buffet dinner, provided by Mindy K's was excellent! Thanks to Nancy for pulling this evening at Myrcene Ale Co. together!