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OS Rotary Meeting 12/08/21

Pledge: Gary McCauley
Prayer:  Alan Schwarz
Four Way Test: Gary
Song: Bill McLaughlin
Card Game: Bill O’Shaughnessy
Raffle: Guest, Marty D, Jeanne Manfredi, Joan Winters

Happy Bucks: Several for the Frosty 5K Run sponsored by the INTERACT Club, many for the students, parents, teachers and administrators, for the OSHS Boys Soccer Team (State Champs, again), Mark P. his first meeting in a long time, and Joan W. will be performing with Marie Osmond a Mohegan Sun.

December Birthdays: Christina B. and Joe A.

President’s Update:

            Frosty 5K Run was a huge success. We received a thank you note from the Shoreline Soup Kitchen for the highly successful Turkey Drive. The Club will setting up a Rotary Display in the lobby of the Essex Savings Bank during the month of January. Nancy Morin shared thank you notes and drawings from third graders who received this year’s dictionaries.

Student of the Month Program: Social Studies

            Tara Winch, principal of Westbrook High School, introduced the students, teachers, and administrators. She also explained the connection between the award and Polio Plus international project.

            Lyme/Old Lyme High School: Olivia Schaedler

Jeanne Manfredi, assistant principal, and Social Studies teacher Bret Eckhart described Olivia as a kind, humble, natural leader who has a passion for service and history. She is an accomplished tennis player as well as a vital member of the Mock Trial Team. Olivia has combined her passion for History with her love of Art and will be studying Art Conservation next year in college.

            Old Saybrook High School: Molly Nygard

Sheila Riffle, principal, and Social Studies teacher Meg Payne described Molly as the ultimate example of RAM P.R.I.D.E. She is involved in every club and is an outstanding athlete. In the classroom, she is fully engaged and looks forward to helping her classmates. Molly recently accepted the challenge of organizing and conducting a school wide Blood Drive. This confirmed her decision to pursue a career in nursing.

            Westbrook High School: Samantha Nunez

Tara Winch, principal, and Social Studies teacher Lindsay Stopa described Samantha as a quiet leader who makes an impact with her huge heart. She is a member of the Field Hockey and Softball teams while remaining a standout in the classroom. Samantha has enrolled in many AP courses and leads discussions and debates while showing respect for those involved. Her goal in life is to be a voice for the people who don’t have a voice. She will be studying political science in the Fall.


Torchlight Parade: Marty provided an update. Workers should meet on the Town Green at 5:00pm. Volunteers are needed. Brent and John G. will be making the hot chocolate.


Wine Tasting Event: Subcommittees have been organized and will meet after every regularly club meeting to discuss progress.


Next meeting: December 15th at noon at the Penny Lane Pub. No meetings on 12/22 and 12/29.