Pledge: President Keith Wescovich
Prayer: Gerri Lewis
Song: Bill McLaughlin
Brents Card Game Winner: John Donnelly
Sergeants Report: Glen Anderson
Welcome guest from Indepence MO, a former board member of RI and his first time in Connecticut.
Raffle Winners: Bill M, Bill O, Rick B
Happy Bucks: Gerri coming back into the club, our guest, the Detroit Tigers defeating the Yankees, John was happy for receiving a $1000 sponsorship for the NY Marathon run from the Chester club, Keith was happy about a book he has co-written that a publisher has purchased first rights on. Paul spoke about his brother-in-law who recently passed away. He served his country well.
John: There is a fundraiser that benefits the VFW Post 1467 called "A Night in Texas". Date is Oct. 27 at the Lyme-Old Lyme Senior Center. Social hour at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. $20pp. Music - Raffle Prizes - Great Food -wear your cowboy hats and boots!
John: The grant application for the new freezer for the Estuary is progressing
Ken Roche: Warm the Children is beginning! Shopper volunteers are needed.
Keith: The Turkey drive fund is open, starting next week all happy bucks go into the fund. You can donate on your own as well.
Charlie: the dictionaries are here - following the meeting the club will apply the stickers to them. In 2 weeks, Charlie will set up the schedule of delivery. Keith suggested if you haven't gone on a delivery to a school, be sure to sign up and do so - its a great experience!
John: DG Brian Amey wants to heighten Rotary's profile in the Polio Plus program. Anyone with media contacts and connections are asked to submit an article.
Keith: For our evening meeting Oct. 30, a special program is needed. Someone asked Keith if he could talk about his book and he agreed and will ask his co-author to speak as well.
Treasurers Report: David Wight
Our foundation just received a $1500 matching grant. Student of the Month expenses are going to start. Our investments are doing very well. David will arrange for the investment people from Essex Savings Bank to speak to the club soon.
Keith asked for nominations from the club for President Elect. Marty nominated Gerri Lewis and the nomination was seconded by Rick Beck. The club voted and Gerri was elected.
FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do
1.) Is it the TRUTH?
2.) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4.) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?