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OS Rotary Meeting of 10/18/2006

Pledge/Prayer:  President Gerri Lewis
Song:  Led by Andy Anderson (Club slightly out of tune)
Brent's Flim/Flam:  Low card hand won by Donna Lash (most of which came back to club in Happy $)
Raffle:  Winners were Joan Camire, Bill O'Shaughnessy and Sandy Taylor.
President Gerri
mentioned the Soup Kitchen reception being held at Waters Edge on 10/24.  If you've worked at the soup kitchen and would like to go, call Gerri.
Bill Suits said the Outreach Committee has identified an elementary school boy to attend a trial program at the Tracy Art Center.
Marty Drobiarz said the posters for the 12/01/2006 wine tasting program are ready for pick up and display in your business and other places around town.  Tickets are available for $25 each and all members will receive an initial supply of  6.  Tell your neighbors and friends about this and invite them to join us.  There will also be a silent auction so think about items to donate.
Charley Norz said the dictionaries will be presented to St. Johns School and the Goodwin School this Friday the 20th.  Program will start at 9:00AM at St. John's.  Contact Charley if you'd like to attend.
Peter Manley - Coming Programs
   10/25 Probate Process/Elder Law - Kerry Knobledorff
   11/01 Business Meeting/Clean Water - Cathy Fosberg
   11/08 (SOM) Long Term Care
Todays Program
Ron King
introduced Shrine Clown Gene Gerwood, former owner of The Paint Shop.  Gene was here in full clown regalia, including the red nose.  The Shrine raises funds to support the 22 children's hospitals in the US, Canada and mexico.  For over 80 years these hospitals have treated over 800,000 children with orthopaedic problems, severe burns and spinal cord injuries.  These services are free, there are no billing departments associated with these hospitals!
As part of his routine Gene had some of his props and showed us the Jonathan Seagull bluejay trick.  Also the Jose O'Shea story of the biplane ride was quite humorous.  He also introduced us to his friend Harvey, the Pooka Rabitt, and had the box Harvey sleeps in with him (along with some of Harvey's treasures).  His sidekick BJ was also with us and we all sang "Sunshine" together.  Gene performs his act at nearby Shriner's hospitals, nursing homes, and Hospice sites, particularly those for terminally ill children  A truly giving service in the true spirit of Rotary.  If anyone knows of a child with the severe problems associated with the Shriner Hospitals, they would like to hear from us.  A number to call is 800-237-5055, or call Gene.