Pledge: President Keith
Prayeer: Gerri Lewis
Song: Bill McL
Flim/Flam: Brent Taylor
Raffle: Andy, Gerri L, David W
Happy Bucks: Many and varied, our speaker Mr. Du, torchlight parade, thanksgiving day, just plain happy
Visiting Rotarian Stephan Renz The Rotary Club of Gals, Switzerland. Alwas nice to have visitors and to exchange Club banners. MTA of Switzerland has an office in Old Saybrook. The world is flat.
R Y L A students will be with us next Wednesday December 5 at The Estuary, following Wednesday December 12 we will have the Students of The Month, discipline Science, also at The Estuary.
Principal Mrs. "Kit" Bishop, Daisy Ingraham School introduced Mr Du from Zibo, China. Mr Du is in Westbrook until January 2013 as an exchange teacher. Both he and his wife teach at the Jixia Primary School.
Mr Du talked to The Club about the different styles and tastes of food in China, North salty, South sweet, Northwest sour, Southeast hot & spicy. Serving Programs Cold Dishes, some sweet, some sour, some sicy, Hot Dishes, meat on dish, then soup, vegatables then fruit. Very tasty. Enjoy food with the tongue. Great program.
Thursday December 6 Stuart Otto
Thursday December 13 Caroll Bowser
Thursday December 20 Matt Rubin
Thursday December 27 Bob Antoniac
THE FOUR WAY TEST of the things we thnk, say, or do.
1.) Is it the TRUTH
2.) Is it FAIR to all concerned
4,( Will it be BENEFICAL to all concerned