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OS Rotary Meeting of 1/23/08

    Pledge/Prayer: President Peter Manley
    Brents Card Game Winner: Andy

Sergeants Report: Gerri Lewis
    Raffle Winners: Keith, Matt, Charlie
    Happy Bucks

    Ron Scott: Asked for a Rotarian to provide a ride for the RYLA students coming back from Stratford. Ran is taking them to Stratford. Stan volunteered to pick them up.
    Peter Manley: We received an email from an individual saying that in lieu of birthday presents for his wife, he asked that his friends make a contribution to the Warm the Children program to the Rotary Club.
    Jess Wenzel: Talked about matching funds at the district level. The project does not have to be international and up to $2500 can be matched.
    Bill Suits: Will hold an Outreach meeting following the regular meeting.

Program: Bob Chase
    Bob introduced our speaker, Jim Hunicke of the OS Power Squadron. Jim talked about the need for safe boating practices and he teaches courses on this. The Power Squadron was born out the invention of the internal combustion engine in 1912. The first Power Squadron was organized at the Boston Yacht Club then in New York. You must be 18 years of age to belong and there are 10,000 members in 3 districts. The mission is safety through education. They teach reading buoys, charts, boat handling in weather, compass use, calculating trip times, trailering, navigating bad conditions, generally rules of the road. Advanced courses such as piloting and celestial navigating are also offered. The Power Squadron conducts safety checks in conjunction with the Coast Guard. The next course starts Jan. 31 at the Middle School and runs for 8 weeks.