Logo for: Rotary Old Saybrook

OS Rotary Meeting of 12/7/11

Pledge: Pres. Paul Moore
Prayer: Gerri Lewis
Song: Gerri Lewis
Brents Card Game Winners: High: Stan, Low: Marty

Sergeants Report: Rick Beck
    Raffle winners: Marty Drobiarz, Mike Velgouse, Bob Antoniac
    Happy Bucks: Lots for the holiday spirit and our guests, and thank you bucks for Joan Camire who organized the event.
Announcements: Marty talked about the Torchligh Parade and the club's role. There would be a meeting of volunteers following the regular meeting.

There was no formal program tonight but a gift swap involving the poem, "Night Before Christmas" took place. Thanks to Joan Camire for organizing the meeting - lots of fun was had by all.
