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OS Rotary Meeting of 2/7/07

    Pledge/Prayer: Peter Manley
    Song: Andy
    Brent's Card Game Winner: Keith
Sergeants Report:
    Raffle Winners: Bob H, Sam, Mike V, Joan M
    Happy Bucks - Bill Suits came through with some good ones as usual.

    Peter read a thank you letter from one of sholarship winners
    The Interact Club will be hosting the soup kitchen on March 3 at the Old Lyme Cong. Church. Andy said it is a sight to behold and urged Rotarians to come out and participate.
    Paul mentioned that the Outreach Program seemed to getting calls for Old Saybrook but not Westbrook and Old Lyme. Bill Suits said a bigger effort to include those towns would be forthcoming.
    Memorial donations to the OS Rotary Foundation in memory of Jim Sbrolla was up to $1500. Jim's family requested donations be made in honor of Jim.
    Andy Anderson joined Rotary in September 1957 - he is approaching his 50th anniversary!

Brent took over to talk about the Golf Tournament. Here are the details for our 13th annual event:
    DATE:    May 24
    PLACE:    Portland Country Club
    PRICE:    Still $125 per golfer
Last year the Lavender team nosed out the Red team for total sponsorship dollars. Our revenue was about $24K. We will continue to offer green sponsors at $250 each. Andy mentioned that our tournament is such a value, we ought to consider raising the price by $10-15 per golfer. Brent felt we should keep it the same because of the fact that some participants foot the bill for their team and didn't want to raise their price. 
    We can no longer have an unmanned beer keg on the course but beer will be available at the 10th hole as usual. Brent mentioned that the golf tournament replaced the old Auction fundraiser. This is a lot easier than cleaning peoples garages and basements and horsing all that stuff all day. Amen to that!