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OS Rotary Meeting of 3/21/12

Pledge: President Paul Moore
Prayer: Joan Camire
Song: Andy Anderson
Brents Card Game winner (Andy filled in for Brent): Charlie Norz

Sergeants Report: Rick Beck
    Raffle winners: David Wight, Joan Camire, John Donnelly
    Happy Bucks: Joan Camire was happy she just sold her house and will be moving to the Cape in about a month. Marty was happy for Joan but sad that she will be leaving the club.

: A driver is needed to transport high school students to the RYLA event in Stratford. Its this Friday and the students need to be picked up around 2:00-2:15 at the high school and brought to Sikorski Aircraft.

Marty: Bernie Rosenblatt called concerning the Art Show this summer, asking is our club can serve cold refreshments such as grinders, fruit salad, etc. Requests were made by attendees and the fact that its usually very warm during the Art Show. The firehouse facilities are available for keeping things cold. Charlie suggested ice cream which we sold a few years ago.
Marty also announced that all forms pertaining to the Golf Tournament are available on our website and there's no reason the club can begin the work of soliciting players, sponsors and donations. This year we have competition from the Old Saybrook Fire Dept. who is also having a golf tournament (their first) at Fenwick in May.

Jason: The Chamber of Commerce, has announced the resignation of 7 board members on the heels of the resignation of Director, Judy Sullivan. There will be a meeting March 29, 6pm at Saybrook Point Inn to fill the vacated spots.

Joan Camire: The grant we applied for, Connecticut Sail, was approved although some technical issues regarding the club steward had to be worked out. John Donnelly will be the steward on this project. Madison Rotary asked us to apply for a matching grant on their behalf. $2500 was approved and our club will receive the funds which will then go to the Madison Club for this project. On another note, we need stewards in order to apply and receive matching grants. The steward is responsible for overseeing the transfer of money through proper channels for matching grant projects. Only Joan C. and John are officially listed as stewards having attended the required RI seminars. Paul has attended the seminar but for some reason was not documented as having done so.

Treasurer's Report: David Wight
Due to down attendance, the club income is down and did not cover our expenses. District dues were paid and there were printing costs (Paul Harris Fellow pamphlets) and a $30 expense for our website domain. The foundation investments did well, up about $10K.

of the things we think, say or do
Is it the TRUTH ?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?