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OS Rotary Meeting of 3/28/07

    Pledge/Prayer: President Gerri
    Brents Card Game Winner: Bill Suits

Sergeants Report: Keith
    Raffle Winners: Joan M, Keith, Donna, Angus
    Happy Bucks

    Meals on Wheels driver needed for April 5.
    Pres. Gerri read a couple of thank you notes from the RYLA kids. They had a great time and learned alot.
    John gave high marks to the OSHS production of 42nd Street.
    Brent told us the brochures for the golf tournament aren't ready yet but will be next week for sure. An ad thanking last years sponsors is going in the paper end of April. Be sure to get a copy and show it around to make your job of sponsors easier. There will be no long drive contest this year, instead, we will sell mulligans.
    Charlie talked about the proposed new communication system which will be voted on at the referendum tomorrow. It is to take the place of the current obsolete system which does not cover the entire town and the new system will allow for communication directly between emergency personnel. The cost for the new Motorola system is $2.7 million, 1.7 to be bonded. 
    Brief meeting following the regular meeting by Joan and the Outreach Committee

    Wally Hirsch talked about the restoration of the old Town Hall and its conversion to the Katherine Hepburn theater. In 1999, the town approved the idea of the project. The town hall was built in 1911. We had to wait for the new town hall to be built and the move was made in 2004. The architects, came up with a complete plan including upgrades and handicap access complete with elevators and outside staircase. The seating capacity is 228. The building already has a balcony, ticket booth, staircase, decorative windows and risers - original features of the building. New heating and ac system, sprinklers and more to be added. Old offices will be removed, an old safe and vault is coming out. Bathrooms and a museum are planned for the first floor. Wally showed sketches of the planned theater (see picture in the Picture Gallery). There will be a celebrity auction on May 12 with a cost of $35/ticket. Pres. Gerri is the chairwoman. The Arts Commission will oversee the operation of the new theater.