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OS Rotary Meeting of 3/3/10

    The meeting began with Pres. Keith saying it wasn't going to be a standard meeting. No raffle, card game, etc. just a relaxed breakfast meeting.
    Matt Rubin is selling raffle tickets to benefit the Heating Energy Assistance Team (H.E.A.T.) which provides funds for people having trouble paying their heating bills. H.E.A.T. is also putting on a spaghetti dinner at the high school Thursday and Friday this week.
    Matt Vogt reported on the Chile contest put on by the Chamber of Commerce. Matt headed up the club's entry, prepared by Mark (of JAMSS restaurant). Matt estimates 700-800 portions were served up. The winner was Apple Rehab. There were 32 entries and the Chamber raised about $7,000 - $8,000. Mark said he was happy to host breakfast and working on the Chile contest.
    Next weeks meeting will be at Gladeview as the renovations continue at the Pavilion. We should be back at the regular place after that. 
    Thank you cards from kids who received dictionaries were passed around. They love getting their very own dictionaries and the teachers do too. This is a great project that falls in line with the literacy initiative from RI.
    Bill Suits announced there would be an Outreach Committee meeting after the regular meeting.
    John Donnelly announced the National Immunization Day for Polio. There are still pockets of polio in some parts of the world including India, Pakistan and Africa. Jesse Rhodes is almost finished building the medical clinic in Africa. It is staffed by 5 doctors, 12 nurses and a pharmacist. 
    Paul Moore is in Florida so we did not get a treasurer's report. Keith said he has the checkbook and can still make necessary payments if needed.
    Mike Velgouse announced that if you need a makeup and worked in the Chile contest, let him know so that you can get credit for attendance.
    Joan Camire talked about the new protocols for obtaining matching grants for projects we participate in. Clubs must download a Memorandum of Understanding and sign and submit it to RI. The new protocols, called Future Visions is an overhaul of the old system. The district is raising awareness as some clubs have been inactive. They must apply if they haven't sought matching grants. Our club is not required to apply since we have been an active participant in matching grants. The MOU is available on the district website and application must be made annually. Someone in the club must be in charge of oversight. Programs qualifying for matching grants can now be local and we can partner with other clubs.
    Keith reminded everyone to consider making a $100 donation to RI. You can do it online.