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OS Rotary Meeting of 4/25/07

    Pledge/Prayer: President Gerri
    Song: Bill McLaughlin
    Welcome Guests
    Brents Card Game Winner: Adam Stuart
Sergeants Report: Keith
    Raffle Winners: Gerri, John R, Adam
    Happy Bucks

    Marty: Safe Grad Night is looking for support of their golf tournament fundraiser. In the past, the club sponsored a tee for $100. The club voted to do it again and will seek from the board at the next BD meeting. 
    Jess announced that his application for matching funds from RI was successful and our donation of $3500 was leveraged to $12,000! The project is insured of solid financial footing for several years and will provide clean potable water to 5 villages in India.
    Emily Suits (grandaughter of Bill Suits) is heading up a town cleanup as her senior project on May 12 from 9-12 at the Town Green. Emily is looking for help. Pass the word.
    Sandy Taylor spoke on the golf tournament. Team captains have been given all the forms necessary. Sandy asks everyone to:    
        - Copy Jess with all solicitations when sending emails to Sandy and indicate if they paid or not
        - If you get a new sponsor and need to order a sign, make sure you get the exact copy of what the sponsor wants the sign to say - not just the name.
        - Try to get spouces involved, often a simple request is all it takes.
        - Ask for items to put into the ditty bags, many sponsors have items to donate.
        - Don't lose sponsors, they are valuble to the success of the tournament

    Sam introduced our speaker, Peter Scholes, a veteran and former gunnery sargeant. He spoke of the state of affairs that exists in the funeral arrangements of our veterans. Due to pressures of military personnel, military honor burials have been lacking. A few dedicated veterans took it upon themselves to become certified and authorized by the Dept. of Defense and working under the National Guard, have provided over 500 honor burials (which includes a firing squad) since its inception. For more information, visit www.antiqueveterans.org or call 860-938-2246. New members are welcome. They meet on the first Wednesday of each month in Westbrook.