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OS Rotary Meeting of 6/27/07

    Pledge/Prayer: President Gerri
    Welcome Guests Lynn Faulstik - Asst. District Governor, Julianne - our exchange student from France and many spouses and friends.
    Brent's Card Game Winners: Rosemary McLaughlin, Peter

Sergeants Report: Keith
    Raffle Winners: 10 winners in all - you know who you are!
    Happy Bucks - many mostly for Gerri's very successful year as our club President
    Jess announced that today is the dedication ceremony for the Clean (Biosand) Water Project and passed out a sheet about the town in India we sponsored.
    Keith, who visited the town said that the project will have a long lasting benefit and will actually save lives.
    Outgoing President Gerri gave out appreciation certificates to the following club members"
For Perfect Attendance for the year: John Donnelly, Peter Manley, Mike Velgouse       
Jess Wenzel    BioSand Water Project
Keith Wescovich    BioSand Water Project
Bill O'Shaughnessy    Group Study Exchange
Bill Bernhart, Donna Lash   Community Outreach
Bob Chase    Thank you for your involvement
Donna Lash    Community Outreach
John Donnelly    RYLA, Interact, Student Exchange
Bill McLaughlin    Student of the Month
Andy Anderson    Meals on Wheels
Bob Antoniac    Food Booth and much more
Paul Moore    Keeper of the books
Joan Michaud   
Marty Drobiarz    Website, Wine Tasting
Mike Velgouse    Secretary
Walter Osborne    New member getting involved
Matt Rubin    Support and all the behind-the-scenes help
Peter Manley    Being there for Gerri, Programs
Ed Pinn    Scholarship Committee
Ran King     Scholarship Committee
Shirley Von Dassel    Scholarship Committee
Stan Niemerski    Scholarship Committee
Ron Scott    Chairman Scholarship Committee
ROTARIAN OF THE YEAR    Brent Taylor for his leadership in our very successful annual golf tournament
Gerri thanked Lynn Faulstik for everything. These two ladies have a lot of respect for each other. They hit it off at PETS and both worked well together. Lynn thanked Gerri and stated she is leaving a great legacy.
President Peter thanked Gerri and said it will be a tough act to follow. Peter presented Gerri with a plaque comemmorating her year.
Pins were exchanged as the new officers for the year 2007-2008 were installed.

This year, two very deserving people were awarded, Jane Donnelly and Ran King. Brent Taylor introduced John Donnelly who spoke about Jane who passed away on May 19, 2007. This was Janes second PH award making her a saphire recipent. Jane was instrumental in getting the SPOKES Club started and kept it going for four years. She also visited Haiti with John on many occassions. You can see a complete writeup on Jane by going to the CLUB NEWS area of our website.
Ran King has been in Rotary for many years and has always been an active member, helping with fundraisers and contributing to the overall activities of the club. Ran expressed his thanks for the honor in is usual understated way, and all of us in Rotary know his selection was an excellent one.