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OS Rotary Meeting of 6/6/07

    Pledge/Prayer: Peter Manley
    Song: Bill McLaughlin
    Brent's Card Game Winner: Jason
Sergeants Report: Paul
    Raffle Winners: Charlie, Sam
    Happy Bucks
    Sherry Carlson, Chairperson of the OSHS Safe Grad Night thanked the club for its $100 contribution
    Peter presented a check to Patty Dowling, Director of the Shoreline Soup Kitchen, in the amount of $350. This will amount to 1400 meals. (Cost per meal is $0.25)
    There will be a Foundation Board Meeting at Marty's office Monday evening at 6pm. (50 RIver St, Old Saybrook)
    Paul gave a summary of our finances and remarked we received $1400 this morning in sponsorship money. Brent commented that once all the money is in, this will be the best year yet for the golf tournament. 
    Peter passed around a signup sheet for the evening meeting of June 27. The cost is $30 per person and the choices for the main course is hanger steak, chicken and salmon. This meeting is important because this night we install the new officers for 2007-2008. Please try and attend, spouses are welcome.

New Member Inductions: Bill McLaughlin
    The following were inducted as our newest members of the Old Saybrook Club:
        Lee David, Locksmith (Sponsor: Ran King)
        Tom Cloutier, Attorney ((Sponsor: Ran King)
        Mathew Sullivan, Financial Adviser (Sponsor: Ken Roche)
Lee, Tom and Mathew gave brief bio's. We welcome the new members and look forward to working together in our many worthy endeavors.

Students of the Month: Health
    We began with Jon Carlson accepting his award for last month having won the Old Saybrook award for business. Jon was unable to attend the meeting. Business Ed teacher Terry Lynn presented the award to Jon.
For Health, the winners were:
    Old Saybrook, Sara Ferrantelli (presented by Maureen Healy
    Lyme-Old Lyme, Bethany Goddiess (presented by Principal Jan Guarino-Rhone and teacher William Rayder)
This will be the last awards given as the school year ends.

Program: Warm the Children
    Walter Osborne introduced Mack Stuart and Joyce Messenger, the people responsible for starting Warm the Children, a nonprofit organization that provides new winter coats and clothing to needy children. They began in 1993 providing clothing to 837 children and today, they operate in 15 states with over 20,000 children served. Money is donated and banked in a special account. Publicity is also donated and the Pictorial Gazette has been helping out for years. This program is newspaper driven, recruiting volunteers to shop. Each child receives $80 worth of clothing and the store bills the organization. Mack started this when he observed children waiting at Torrington bus stops in the cold weather with inadequate lightweight clothing. Mack wants to keep it going even when the time comes when he can no longer run it. He proposed that our club take over the program in our area. The structure is in place and we would cover the towns of Westbrook, Clinton, Old Lyme, Chester and Old Saybrook. This area has had it for 14 years and it is well known in the area. There is approximately $14K in the bank now. For more information, go to: www.warmthechildren.org