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OS Rotary Meeting of 8/29/12

Pledge: President Keith Wescovich
Prayer: Charlie Norz
Song: Led by Bill McLaughliin
Brents Card Game Winner: Bill O'Shaughnessy

Sergeants Report: Glen Anderson
    Raffle Winners: Andy, Brent, Bill M.
    Happy Bucks: Dave for going back to work! Happy Birthday to Bob Hester, John was happy for his guest Sika - newly graduated from the University of Ghana and will be attending graduate school for communications.

   Treasurer David Wight informed the club that to date, $17,000 has been paid out in sholarships for the fiscal year with more to come. 
    Angus MacDonald told of an organization in Essex called FISH, which provides rides for those who have doctors appointments, treatments, etc. Please let Angus know if you would like to volunteer.

Program: Bill McLaughlin
    There are now 5 Avenues of Service: Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, International Service and New Generations Service. 
    Club Service: Our bylaws give structure to our club and forms the basis for what we do on a weekly basis which is holding meetings, maintaining a newsletter (Shadder), enjoy fellowship over breakfast, collecting dues and more. 
    Vocational Service: The focus of this avenue is business and vocational opportunities for our youth. In the past we had a mentoring program in which club members had high school students come to their places of work to show them what their vocations entailed. This is also an opportunity to teach ethics in business.
    Community Service: This is our most active avenue as most of our club projects benefit local causes. The club supports the Soup Kitchen and through our Outreach Program - individuals in need (heat assistance, rent assistance, medical equipment, and more). Meals on Wheels, and our joint participation with Liberty Bank to supply turkey dinners at Thanksgiving and other projects have been done for the local communities we serve. 
    International Service: Most recently, we have received matching grants for projects in Ghana. We have supported the Polio Plus project for many years. Our club donates books and most recently, are collecting soap that will be reprocessed in Africa to provide better sanitation and less disease. John Donnelly pointed out that Africa has the potential to be a very important supplier of food to the world as production in orther areas decrease or are at maximum. 
    New Generations Service: As a club, we do a lot for our youth, including scholarships ($24K annually awarded), support of Interact Clubs in our high schools, the Dictionary Project, the D.A.R.E. Program, and each year we send students to the World Affairs Seminar and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) seminar.

FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say, or do.

1.)    Is it the TRUTH

2.)    Is it  FAIR to all concerned


4.)    Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned