Request for grant, Summer Kids Food Bags
Purpose of Grant: Why is funding needed? Who will benefit and how?
Old Saybrook children in need. This year the summer meals program for kids that ran for the past two years with Covid funding from the state has ended. SNAP food benefits are decreasing July 1 also because state emergency programs are ending. Also ended is the CTFoodshare kids take home food back pack program we relied on pre-Covid. This year we are working with SSKP to direct families with kids to the SSKP meal sites. Although the kids can also get a meal there, they are geared for adults. At the Old Saybrook site on Wednesday’s starting June 22 and ending when kids return to school in late August, we will be onsite handing out bags of kid friendly food to families with kids and we need help purchasing the food. Filling 30 bags a week with peanut butter, cereal, juice, milk, raisins, applesauce, granola bars, mac and cheese, snacks, etc is anticipated at a cost of aprox. $30 or $900 a week.
Name of Program or Individual Beneficiary: Summer Kids Food Bags
Do you certify that beneficiaries of this grant qualify as needy? Yes
If so, what criteria do you use? SSKP and SNAP food stamp kids.
Time Period of Requested Grant: Start Wednesdays, June 22, 2022 Finish August 17, 2022 one time grant for bulk food purchases.
How much funding are you requesting from Old Saybrook Rotary Club? $1500.00
Will assistance or funding from other sources be required? Yes.
Please identify other sources and amount of funding or assistance being requested.We are asking for help from Lion’s Club, Blair Fund, Public Health Nursing Board, and SSKP will be helping with two of the weeks for some of the food ordering and is planning to continue the program from SSKP, as a back pack school program for kids food take home on weekends as soon as school starts in August and we have ended our summer program. If services or materials are to be used in program, will they be obtained by donation or reduced cost?We will be working with SSKP on some of the ordering. Other orders are in bulk at discounts where we can get them.
Grant Funds should be made payable to?: Old Saybrook Social Services
Does applicant certify that the funds will be used for the purposes requested?Yes
Name/Title of Applicant: Susan Consoli, Social Services Coordinator
Phone number of Applicant: 860-395-3188
Date Submitted: 6/16/2022