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OS Rotary Meeting 08/25/21

Pledge: Gary McCauley

Prayer and Four Way Test: Pat DeVito and Gary McCauley

Card Game: High Hand, low hand, no hand: Charlie Norz

Raffle: Ken, Nathan, Bill Mc. Nancy

Happy Bucks: several for Hurricane Henri turning into a “Dud”, the beautiful weather, the concert on the Green tonight, Happy to be here with everyone, the power crews that helped to restore power during the storm, Happy to see Bob A. Christina Burnham celebrating 54 years of wedded bliss.

President’s Update: District Governor Jeff Krause will be recovering until January, OS Rotary will be teaming up with Liberty Bank for the Annual Turkey Drive, The Club has purchased a Paver to help with the upgrade of the Kate. August Birthdays: Charlie N, Charlie R, and Amber S.

Golf Tournament: New date: October 7, 2021. We still need golfers and raffle prizes. If you are able to help out on the day of the tournament, see Brent or Charlie R.

Macaroni Dinner: Sunday October 17, 2021. Fireman’s Field, Take-Out Only. Masks must be worn throughout the event. Sell your 10 tickets. John needs an accurate by October 10. We still need a couple of Sponsors in addition to Liberty Bank and Rosemary and Sage restaurant.

Chamber of Commerce Craft Fair will be held October 2,3, 2021. Sign-up sheets will soon be available.

Concert on the Green: The last in the summer series, featuring The Larry Bonin Band, is tonight. Thanks to John G, Marc M and the committee for a very successful summer season.

September Meeting Schedule: 1st at the Diner @7:30am, 8th NO MEETING, 15th ZOOM meeting, 22nd Sal’s at 12:00, 29th Social Event at Indiantown.

Committee Reports: Outreach donated $250 to the Estuary Open House to be held September 18th. The Club’s Website upgrade is nearing completion.