Pledge: President Keith
Prayer: Gerri L
Song: Bill McL
Flim/Flam: President Keith
Raffle: President Keith, Charlie N , Rick Beck
Happy Bucks: Many and varied, turkey drive, John D for NYC Marathon, happy for the day and to have James Mattison with us.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dinner meeting next Tues eve, 10/30/12, have 21 signed on need 30 to secure upper romm at PLP. Tres John D will send an email blast to alert all members.
Marty Drobriarz made a proposal that The Rotay Club of Old Saybrook Foundation board consider a $1,000 stipend to NYC Rotary Club to support John Donnelly in his running of the NYC Marathon. The Board met after the meeting and approved the stipend.
James Mattison, a resident of Old Lyme, while in college visited cousing in Ghana, saw a need fora school and swung into action.Saw a school with 90 youngsters, no books no lights, no rooms all choatic.
Talked with the village chief, et al for $3,000 we build a school. Village did not have the money so James rasied the funds here at home and up goes a school. Now have 500 students in the old school building plus big expansion.
The school is number one in girls education, and to 5 in the area.doing great. School is K -12. stafffed by local residents who are motivated to teach then trained.
School funded by charity organizations and now has moved to charging tuition for support.
Offical language is English, Local language taught in lower gades then move to English
Debate now is to expand this school and build additional schools
Thursday November 1 Bill McLaughlin
Thursday November 8 Al Lindquist
Thursday November 15 Angus McDonald
Thursday November 29 Stan Niemerski
FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do
1.) Is it the TRUTH
2.) is it FAIR to all concerned
4.) Will it be BENFICAL to all concerned