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OS Rotary Meeting of 11/21/12

Pledge:    President Keith

Prayer:    Gerri L

Song:    Bill McL

Flim/Flam:    Mark  (JAMSS)

Raffle:    Rick B  Glenn A  Bill McL

Happy Bucks:        Many and varied, Thanksgiving Turkeys,  Liberty Bank  $800.00 from Club to buy turkeys,  Rick Beck Commodore Award NCYC  and a fine for no pin.


Dictionaries delivered to 3rd grades Old Saybrook Westbrook & St Jophn's.  Deliver Lyme and Old Lyme on  Thursday 11/29.
Membership at 30
Christmas Dinner planned for 12/19/12 more to follow
Old Saybrook Chamber Annual Meeting  Thursday 12/06 Oour

Reports were made regarding:
 Community Service projects.  The District 7980 Matching Grant has been approved and we have the check for $2,500.00 will now proceed to involve the firve Rotary Clubs in the Esturay, Chester, Deep River, Essex, and Clinton. to help  with matching funds.
Generations Avenue of Service.  Old Saybrook Interact Club active will be called upon to help with seeking matching funds fron the neihboring Rotary Clubs.  RYLA had four students attending the 11/09 - 11/11 conference in Stratford. The students will be invitd to speak to the Club on Wednesday December 5 at The Estuary.
Angus spoke about his youth starting in reform school, then servie, college and onto a career in Civil Engineering.  Worked with Lane Construction in New York State, Life Time Homes Old Saybrook, then openned his own firm Angus McDonald and Associates, latger bringing in Gary Sharpe.  Retired four or five years ago, had a hang of a run.

Thursday November 29    Stan Neimerski
Thursday December 6      Stuart Otto
Thursday December 13    Carrol Bowser
Thursday December 20    Matt Rubin
Thursday December 27    Bob Antoniac

FOUR WAY TEST of the things we think, say, or do
1.)    Is it the TRUTH?
2.)    Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3)    Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
4)    Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?