Pledge: Pres. Keith Wescovich
Prayer: Gerri
Song: Bill McLaughlin
Brents Card Game Winner: John Donnelly
Sergeants Report: Glen Anderson
Raffle Winners: Mike Velgouse, Stan and Joan
Happy Bucks: Lots for our guests, the RYLA kids, Amber Sherber, Mike Velgouse and Rich Sullivan. John was happy to be back from Ghana with lots of potential projects for our club, Mike Velgouse was happy to be here and told us he has selected a club to join having chosen from 6 and none of them sing. Rich was happy to see his old friends and for the RYLA program.
Program: RYLA, Bill McLaughlin
Bill talked about the this long standing Rotary program, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, a unique to Rotary program for high school kids. The program teachers leadership and communication skills while in a formum that allows them to network with other students from different parts of the state. Amber Sherber, a teacher at Old Saybrook High School and the Interact Club advisor, also spoke about the program saying our kids were wonderful ambassadors. The students who attended this recent program were Hudson Roarick, Old Saybrook High School, Alyssa Herzy, Westbrook High School, Jennifer Sullivan Old Saybrook High School and Josh Krasney Lyme/Old Lyme High School. Hudson, Alyssa, and Jennifer each spoke briefly (Josh sent his regrets but could not make the meeting) about their time. They all said they got a lot out of the program. Hudson said she got new perspectives on what community action and service means. Jennifer had a lot of fun and was inspired by the speakers. Jennifer is the Vice President of her Interact Club and got a lot of fundraising ideas as well. Alyssa learned a lot about herself, how to be a better listener and applying herself to set and achieve goals. She made a special connection with her roomate as well.
To see a picture of the students taken at the meeting and learn more about the RYLA program, go to our section under CLUB NEWS.
Charlie Norz: The final delivery of dictionaries happened this last Thursday bringing to a conclusion another successful year for this popular program of our club giving dictionaries to 3rd graders. Great job Charlie! Thanks also to Ken Roche, Brent Taylor and Jason Smith who helped deliver them. Charlie read a letter of thanks from parents of 3rd grade twins who received their dictionaries. John delivered 30 leftover dictionaries to Ghana.
Jason Smith: Warm the Children is now in full swing. The Harbor News has been running the ads which has generated contributions so it looks like our goal of raising $30K will be realized.
Marty Drobiarz talked about the upcoming Torchlight Parade. Volunteers were asked to sign up and help pick up the refreshments and serve them to the marchers. We also prepare the hot chocolate at Apple Rehab and bring it the containers to the tent on the green. This is our 25th year of participation.
Bill McLaughlin: Bill talked about the new freezer our club is buying for the Estuary. We have asked and will receive financial help from other area clubs as well as district matching funds. The total cost, including floor prep will come to about $5500.