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Bio-Sand Water Purification Project in India

The Rotary Old Saybrook is proud to have had a role in this international project—sustainable water purification for the people of the Kolar District, India. Our initial contribution was increased due to a matching grant from Rotary International. The total amount contributed to the project exceeded $12,000. The following is a letter from Ramachanrda Gowda of the Kolar Rotary Club emailed on April 27, 2007.

Gerri Lewis,

Thanks for your letter!!! Greetings from all of us from Rotary club of Kolar, India!!!! We thank for all your support to this novel project of providing safe drinking water to the people of Kolar District. Definitely the quality of life in this parts will improve by using this Bio-Sand Water Filters. Your club name will be remembered for a long time for this help by the beneficiaries and also by us, for this support. We are sure, your presence will definitely will make a difference with the people at the time of dedication ceremony of these Bio-Sand Water Filters at different villages. We should thank The Rotary Foundation also for this humanitarian support to the people of Kolar District.

Yours in Rotary Service,
