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Correspondence from Steve Mecca

Hi John:

I'm back from travel and things went well in Ghana on Monday. The next 5 schools were contacted well before I left for Ghana; we set up for training in the weekend prior and conducted the training on Monday 9/2. We had all 5 schools present for the all-day sessions as well as several schools from Birim North we had donated to years ago; they piggy-backed on the training.

The only glitch was that beginning on the evening before (Sunday) power went out in Pokuase forcing a need for an emergency generator, which we secured and had up and running before the first morning session began on Monday. It added to the expense, but it was better than trying to cancel when everything (and attendees) were set to go.

Based on the applications, I have instructed Eric to check on conditions at a couple of schools where upgrade work (e.g. on lighting) is underway. We want to be sure again that there is secure and useful space set aside for both library and computer purposes. Even before the delivery of the next container, these schools will get their computers, monitors, etc. and with the delivery of the next container, we'll be able to have designated book donations immediately picked up and will be past the half way mark (26 schools) for the donation/training end. IN May-June we'll do on-site assessments for the first 21 schools and begin the training-sessions for the next sets of schools.

I was fortunate to have help from 2 grad students from the University of Washington, who are doing their research on libraries and literacy. They asked if they could shadow me on the training and I told them OK as long as I could put them to work, which I did.

We have more computers at GTECH per donations from Jim Perry in our Rotary Club who has a NJ contact and, of course, Providence College.

We still have books at Jan's place in NH and pickups go on. We should be ready for the next container in December ( I hope).

Please give the attached invoice to your Treasurer; a check ($244.80) should be made to GSAP and can be sent to my address: 5 Aquidneck Ct, Jamestown, RI 02835.


P.S.: Perhaps you and Bill will want to be my guest at our Rotary Club in Jamestown next time down. Let me know & regards to you and Bill.

Stephen Mecca, Ph.D.
Professor Department Engineering-Physics-Systems
Providence College
Visiting Scholar
Department of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Science
University of Ghana